Rubius - ARLY Platform Review

Our company will begin as a software startup but will transition into a new world bank, offering trustless financial services to the masses through our consumer-facing software. The world needs Rubius because the traditional banking model is dying. The old-world model depends entirely on trust, which will at some point no longer be sufficient as it is difficult to fully vet and trust billions of people; and the world population is growing exponentially. This traditional model is leaving 1.7 billion adults unbanked, limiting economic development and innovation worldwide.

Through Rubius, we will harness the power of the blockchain and provide every person in the world with essential financial services. Rubius was born because nearly every “wallet” or “exchange” solution so far is extremely haphazard and not user-friendly. Thus, our focus will be 100% on quality. We will make simple, easy-to-use intuitive software that will enable mass adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Rubius Ecosystem
The Rubius ecosystem consists of our smartphone app called Aryl, our web-based exchange called Rubiex, the Rubius coins, and will include all of other proposed products. The ecosystem intertwines smartphones, laptops, desktops, tablets, and all other computing devices into a platform for financial security.

Rubius Accounts
The Rubius accounts can be created within the Aryl app or on the Rubiex exchange. Your Rubius account will be usable for all of Rubius’s future products. This cross-platform functionality will enable you to utilize all of the software which we will offer, without having to waste time generating and remembering new login information.

Once our initial products have launched and we have begun generating revenue, we will begin researching the practicality of offering banking services (i.e., capital management, brokerage services, lending services, etc.). We will allocate a portion of profits to fintech research and development with the purpose of determining which banking services could be revolutionized using decentralized applications.

Transaction Speed & Cost
Compared to bitcoin, Rubius coins are capable of extremely fast and low-cost transactions. On average, the Rubius protocol enables transaction times over 40 times faster than bitcoin.

Rubius coins benefit from the speed and efficiency of the Ethereum platform. The average RUBY transactions take roughly 14 seconds to complete, whereas the average transaction time of bitcoin is roughly 10 minutes. During times of high volume, bitcoin transactions can take hours to complete, and some bitcoin users have reported waiting days for their transaction to finish.

The average cost of Rubius transactions is roughly 2% of the total cost to send bitcoins. With bitcoins, the average transaction fee is 55 USD, whereas Rubius coins have an average transaction fee of only 1 USD. This drastic difference makes the Rubius protocol far more scalable and sustainable than bitcoin, which is why Rubius is a much better candidate for the consumer market.

Rubius Blockchain Infrastructure
In the future, we plan on developing our own blockchain infrastructure, which will be an improved version of Ethereum. Similar to Ethereum, our infrastructure will be an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system with smart contract (scripting) functionality. However, the goal of our blockchain platform is to be more energy-efficient and more viable for long-term data storage.

To make the platform more energy-efficient, we plan to use computational science and numerical methods to lessen the processing power needed by the Rubius Virtual Machine (RVM). These methods will make the platform cleaner (more ecofriendly) and will make Rubius mining more lucrative. To make the platform more viable for long-term data storage, we plan to incorporate sharding protocols as they will make the blockchain more durable and scalable. 

Our platform will be called “Rubius” and we plan on migrating the Rubius ERC20 coins from the Ethereum platform to the Rubius platform by pausing trades, then manually exchanging the assets. Afterwards, the Rubius coins or Rubies will become the main currency of the platform and will act as fuel or “gas” for the network, similar to ether on Ethereum.

Because Rubius will be first modeled as an Ethereum variant, it will initially use Merkle trees, for security reasons, to improve scalability, and to optimize transaction hashing. By design, the Rubius blockchain will be extremely secure and have a high Byzantine fault tolerance. To improve upon Ethereum’s design, we will consider the viability of using other hash trees to replace the Merkle Tree (e.g. the Tiger tree hash) or may consider inventing our own novel binary tree. We plan on devoting a significant budget towards cryptography research & development (R&D), hoping to build upon the work of Ralph Merkle by developing innovative public-key systems which could be used in conjunction with decentralized applications.

Aryl is an open-source Ethereum wallet and payment platform. Aryl will be very similar to PayPal’s Venmo app, although it will have the added benefit of cryptocurrency storage and trading. Aryl will make cryptocurrency simpler to acquire and use, and it will protect people’s money from the risks of the unstable crypto-markets by using its Volatility Shield feature.

Aryl’s main purpose is to make cryptocurrency and blockchain technology more accessible, consumer-friendly, and risk-free. As with any new technology, it will take cryptocurrency and blockchain some time to catch on with the general public. To encourage adoption, the Aryl app will feature an intuitive layout so people can immediately start to use it with no prior training required.

Inside Aryl, users can access their decentralized Ethereum wallets, which support thousands of cryptocurrencies. Users will also have the ability to access our centralized crypto-exchange, Rubiex. By signing up for Rubiex, users can buy, sell, and trade select cryptocurrencies directly from the Aryl app. The Rubiex exchange will also be utilized for the Volatility Shield feature.

Aryl Features
1.      Send, Receive, and Request
In the Aryl app, users have the ability to send, receive, or request payments in either fiat currency, Ether, or Ethereum tokens, making it useful for transactions in traditional currency and cryptocurrency.

2.      Connect with Friends
The home screen features all of the recent activity (i.e. the requests, payments, events, etc.) from a user’s friends. These friends will be voluntarily gathered from either a person’s contacts or from connecting a social media account (i.e. Facebook). In a later version of Aryl, we plan to provide users with a secure messenger, allowing them to chat with their friends directly in the app.

3.      In-iMessage Usage
Users will be able to send and request payments directly from their iMessage conversations.
This will allow for real-time payments whenever you owe a friend money or if your friend owes you money.
If a user sends or requests a payment from a contact that doesn’t have an Aryl account, the contact will be prompted to sign-up for Aryl to complete the transaction.
With Aryl, you never need to worry about sending payments to the wrong wallet address. That’s because the Aryl app has you select the recipient using the contact’s name, rather than their wallet address.

4.      Wallet Functionality
Aryl provides users with many decentralized wallet features, such as creating new Ethereum wallets (the key pairs to these wallets are stored locally on your iOS device), viewing balances of Ether and Ethereum tokens, and changing wallet passwords.

5.      Exchange Features
Aryl will allow users to trade their cryptocurrency directly in the app.
To use the exchange features, we will require users to sign-up for Rubiex by providing additional KYC (know your customer) information to prevent money laundering and fraud.

6.      Volatility Shield
Aryl’s Shield feature reduces the risk of using cryptocurrencies by keeping users’ money in a safer currency and then automatically switching it into their preferred cryptocurrency when they are sending a payment.

When you receive a payment, the currency you receive will be automatically converted back into your preferred storage currency. This feature will allow you to utilize cryptocurrency without having to worry about losing money due to market volatility (i.e., the price of cryptocurrencies dropping).

More Information About Rubius :


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