Review Part 3

Blockchain current and future evolution
Each distributed system needs a consensus algorithm to validate transactions. Over the last few years the Proof-of-Work algorithm has dominated, not to say was the only one used. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem evolves — the race to create a better consensus algorithm began.

The current year can become the year of competition between different mining algorithms / strategies. The following strategies are currently most widely known:

Proof-of-work (PoW) - (Reference #2). Coins are distributed based on the work performed by the user to demonstrate his input on processing transactions and doing work for the whole infrastructure. This is the group of algorithms that provides slow calculation of some result and fast verification of this result. This helps to ensure that miners have to perform some complex computations on their hardware to find a block, but Blockchain network users that confirm this block don’t need to perform such computations and can easily check that result is correct using low resources.

Proof-of-stake (PoS) – (Reference #3). Coins are distributed based on the user’s previous investments. The more investments a user has the more coins he will receive.

Proof-of-elapsed time (PoET) - (Reference #4) is a relatively new concept. Coins are distributed based on the proof that the user was doing some specific action for a rather long period of real time. Proof of time algorithm was invented by Intel and it is mainly associated with their hardware platform that provides very fast consensus model. It generates random numbers (wait time) on miner’s nodes and then chooses the node with the lowest number. So, it works like a lottery but with more complex algorithm designed to provide more optimizations. Intel promises that this algorithm cannot be broken by external actions and provides honest consensus model. This makes PoET perfect for private Blockchain when you need performant distributed storage and don’t want to force your hardware to make complex computations. The only minus is the restriction on Intel’s platform (Sawtooth Lake).

The proof-of-elapsed time has not become popular and well adopted yet. But in the near future it may be intensively developed. Future adoptions may not be the exact algorithm designed by Intel, but rather some variations of the concept. platform
Context Overview
A malicious software is an application that was created for a particular bad purpose. Most existing applications are created for normal purposes while some applications have hidden features which are not doing what is expected, but in fact their purpose is to find, steal or destroy files, track any data or just annoy the user. This started a long time ago: the first computer virus was called Elk Cloner and was first found on a Mac in 1982. Over 10 years ago a new kind of malware appeared and it was called Adware. It was distributed through security holes in Windows XP and Internet Explorer. Adware can also use security holes in Java and Flash player or even in JavaScript. But why do developers create adware? The main reason is monetization, of course. Any Adware capable of embedding paid advertisements brings its owners huge income. Starting from pop-up ads, embedded browser toolbars, search hijacking, etc.

How can we stop any kinds of malware from being created? We can stop / alter monetization and make creating malware less attractive!

The idea first appeared in June
June to December: Initial research phase
December: Validating potential ideas
1st quarter
Studying blockchain in terms of platform integration perspective
Risk analysis, associated with blockchain
Start development for TGE Site & Platform
The second phase of the research is completed
White paper published
Development completed to test the network and the basic contract code
Development completed for user API
Development begins for data collection and financial officers
Smart contract development begins
UI design is complete
Personal TGE sales begin
The beta version of the TGE platform
2nd quarter
The TGE platform issued receives user registration
Development of malware protection begins
User validation development begins
The development of online time tracking is complete
Development of Chrome and Firefox browser extensions starts
The web dashboard for OIO token owner development begins
ICE token distribution distribution algorithm is implemented
TGE begins
Beta malware protection
User validation beta
Private Beta Cloud, Guardian script beta
Wallet development begins
3rd Quarter
Chrome and Firefox browser extensions are beta
ICE smart token contract issued
Web dashboard for OIO token owner release
Private cloud exemption
Released script guardian
Beta version of the web dashboard for OIO token owner release
Chrome and Firefox browser extensions released
Beta Wallet release
4th Quarter
Web dashboard for OIO token owner release
Mobile app development begins
1st quarter
Market architecture
SDK API for custom integration architecture
Plug-in for E-Commerce solution architecture
API SDK for special integration release
Wallet additional security features
2nd quarter
-Black Marketplace launch
-Plug-in for beta release of E-Commerce solution 
3rd Quarter of 
4th Quarter of 


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